Marlena Rodriguez, Writer for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Justin and Jordan Shipley, Creators of Wrecked on TBS

Joanna Hausmann, Writer and Producer for Flama

Gary Richardson, The Annoyance Theater

Chelsea Devantez, Writer for John Stewart

Zach Bartz (2nd from Right) and the Creators of The Shit Hole

Matt Forbes
Alumni Spotlight
We have alumni across the nation who are excelling in their fields. We’d like to shed a light on some of our Alumni and their accomplishments since participating in the Comedy Studies Program.
Aidy Bryant (Spring 2008) Featured player on Saturday Night Live since the 38th season. Previously, she was Jeff nominated for Best Ensemble for “Sky’s the Limit, Weather Permitting,” and went on to open E.T.C. theater’s 36th review: “We’re All in This Room Together.”
Marlena Rodriguez Writer for Netflix’s Original Comedy “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”, Former Second City Touring Cast member.
Justin and Jordan Shipley Creators of “Wrecked” on TBS
Chelsea Devantez Writer for “The Opposition with Jordan Klepper”, “The Gong Show”, and “Bless this Mess”. Former Second City Main Stage Cast member for 3 revues.
Abbey Londer Creator/ Executive producer LA Riot Fest.
Joanna Hausmann Full-time video creator, writer and producer, for Univision’s bilingual digital platform “Flama”
Paul Gale Comedic filmmaker and Creative Producer Huffington Post
Gabe Gonzalez Writer for “Flama”
Gary Richardson Performer/Teacher at the Annoyance NYC, recently appeared in Mike Bribiglia’s newest film Don’t Think Twice
Kady Ruth Ashcroft Writer for Funny or Die News
Ben Jurney Writer for The New Yorker
Brian Agler Writer for The New Yorker
Matt Forbes Wrote and released comedy Album – Could Woulda Shoulda.
Fran Hoepfner Digital editor for The Onion and Clickhole
Zach Bartz Co-Founder of The Shithole
Nick Jester and Gabriel Gundacker Wrote and performed “Nick and Gabe’s American Dream” at UP comedy Club
Ida Cutler Ensemble member of The Neofuturists
Alan Linic Staff writer for the 44th season of SNL. He and his wife, Claire, wrote a workbook for couples called Our Perfect Marriage. Former Second City E.T.C and touring company cast member.
Current Second City Cast and Crew Members:
Andrew Knox Performer for The Second City Mainstage Revue “Do You Believe In Madness?”. He performed and wrote for the E.T.C Revue’s “Gaslight District”, “Super Fantastic Great Nation Numero Uno”, and the Kennedy Center Show “The Second City’s Almost Accurate Guide To America”.
Chuck Norment Performer for The Second City’s E.T.C’s Revue “Gaslight District” and alumni of the Touring Company (BlueCo). They were a featured performer in The Second City’s and NBCUniveral’s Breakout Comedy Festival 2016.
Alison Banowsky Performer for The Second City’s Touring Company (RedCo). She has performed in The Second City Theatricals Theatricals aboard the NCL Gem. TV credits include Hidden America with Jonah Ray and Hot Date on Pop TV.
Terrence Carey Performer for The Second City’s Touring Company (BlueCo). He has performed in Second City theatricals such as “#DateMe”, “Legendary Laughs”, and “Imrov All-Stars”. Co-founder of PREACH! an improvised spoken word collective.
Jenelle Cheyne Performer for The Second City’s Touring Company (GreenCo). She has performed in Second City theatricals aboard The Norwegian Breakaway.
Meghan Babbe Performer for The Second City Touring Company (RedCo). Her writing has appeared in Reductress.
The Comedy Studies Program is proud of it’s 300+ alumni! Here is a list of the universities and colleges they represented in their time at The Second City.
Arizona State Univeristy in Tempe, Assumption College
Barnard College, Beloit College, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Brown University, Bryn Mawr College, Bucknell University, Buena Vista University
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Case Western University, Central Methodist College, College of Dupage, College of the Atlantic, Colorado State University, Columbia College Chicago, Connecticut College
Denison University, DePaul University, Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Mennonite University, Emerson College
Fairleigh Dickinson U Madison, Furman University
George Mason University, Grace College
Hobart/William Smith College, Hofstra University, Hunter College
Ithaca College
Kalamazoo College
Malone University, McGill University, Michigan State University, Millikin, Mira Costa College
New York University, North Park University, Northwestern College LA
Oberlin College, Oklahoma State University in Stillwater
Penn State University, Point Park College, Purdue University in Fort Wayne
Randolph Macon Womans College
Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute
San Francisco State University, Santa Clara University, Shorter University, Skidmore College, South Dakota State University, Southeastern University FL, Smith College, Syracuse University
Temple University, Texas A&M University at College Station, Tufts University, Tulane University
University of Arizona, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, University of Central Florida, University of Colorado, University of Connecticut, University of Dayton, University of Denver, University of Mary Washington, University of Missouri, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, University of Minnesota – Morris, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Northern Colorado, University of Notre Dame, University of Toledo, University of South Carolina in Columbia, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Vassar College, Valparaiso University
Webster University, Wesleyan University, West Virgina University in Morgantown, Wright State University in Dayton
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